Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Day 194 - two runs today

Car was in for a service today so ended up doing two runs! First run in beautiful sunshine this morning, clear skies, views of the snowy hills off in the distance, awesome!! Bit of a random route just touring the streets of Otley but added up to five miles in all.

Interestingly my pace over the first three miles was 7:46, 7:46 and 7:48. Pretty consistent huh? Only need to increase that by 57 secs per mile to be in with a shot of sub 3 at London.......

Run number two was the run back up the hill the other side of Otley to pick up the car, about two miles. Very uneventful, bit snowy/sleety but easy paced.

So, seven miles in all today takes the tally to 1,073.

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