Monday 31 March 2008

Day 1 Stage 1 - Paul's version

This time, in his owns words.......

I am......recovering! 4hr 43 mins for the stage, 2:16 for the dunes at the start, they were MASSIVE! Seriously that was a very tough day's running. The 14 km of dunes were staggering, amazing to look at, anazing to be in, and tough to run.
The next 10k was flat stoney plain (the stones had fossils in, I've picked one up......then we had a killer 2 to 3 k of small dunes to finish _ small like nothing you've ever seen on a UK beach!
That was the killer section, up down, up down......and probably why I projectile vomitted over the line, that and the 38 degree heat..... Better now though.
So, top line story, Stage One, job done. Real story, one tough day in the most awesome landscape I have ever run in. Velcro is in tatters, but rest of kit seems to be doing the job.
Off now to chomp slowly through my rations and try and sleep in the windy tent - lighting the fuel is a challenge too. Oh, and only one small blister. Ooops, word limit!

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